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When I Feel Anxious

By July 27, 20108 Comments

For the last couple of days I have been preparing for a speaker/writer’s conference I’ll be attending this weekend.  And I’ll be honest – I feel a bit anxious.  The preparation.  The anticipation.  The hope that my meetings with editors and agents will go well.  It’s all left me feeling a bit stressed.

Do you ever feel that way?  I’m betting you can relate.  When we step out to tackle something new or out of our comfort zone we can end up asking ourselves “Why did I agree to do this, anyway?”  It just seems easier to live life in the safety and comfort of the familiar. 

But a live lived without risks – although admittedly, less stressful – is also less purposeful.  God never intended us to live life in the safety of the familiar.  No, God desires us to live life increasingly dependent upon Him.  That’s what living by faith not by sight is all about.

But still, a person who desires to live by faith has emotions.  Emotions like anxiety, fear and insecurity.  So what do we do when these emotions fill our hearts?  Well, we can shrink back, turn from whatever is causing the anxiety and run the other way.  Or we can handle anxiety the way God tells us to, which is what I have been practicing all day today.

Philippians 4:6-7 says,

Do not be anxious about anything, but in everything, by prayer and petition, with thanksgiving, present your requests to God. And the peace of God, which transcends all understanding, will guard your hearts and your minds in Christ Jesus.”

Quite simply we have a choice when the stresses of life overwhelm us:  we can panic or we can pray.  But there is an often missed key to praying in such a way that truly brings peace.  In fact, I missed it for years.  I used to pray in the midst of an anxiety producing situation but honestly felt no different after I prayed than before.  Why?  Because I failed to pray with thanksgiving.  “…in everything, by prayer, with thanksgiving….” the passage says. My prayers must be coupled with my thanks.  Only then is God’s peace released into my life in such a way that His peace guards my heart and my mind.

So today when I felt anxious, I stopped and prayed for God to bless my time, direct my steps and lead me according to His plan.  But I didn’t stop there.  I thanked Him that He would, indeed, direct my steps.  I thanked Him that no matter the outcome, He is in control.  I thanked Him that He knows the plans He has for me and I can rest in His goodness and love.  Now, that’s a prayer that brings peace!  Because petitions coupled with thanksgiving bring perspective. 

So what about you today?  Is there anything in your life that may be producing a bit of anxiety or stress?  God has a game plan for how you can experience peace.  Right now decide that you will handle your stress the way God tells you to.  Be anxious for nothing.  In everything, by prayers and petitions, with thanksgiving, let your requests be made known to God.  Then allow His peace to wash over your anxious soul.


More than a Bible teacher, Donna is a self-described Bible explainer. A colorful storyteller who combines Biblical truth with real-life anecdotes, her messages not only help listeners understand God’s Word, but most important, grasp how to live it out in real life.


  • ann says:

    boy, I needed this today! You are precious… what a nice trail to your site from the crossline womens website….

  • Jean E. says:

    Donna, great points about coupling thanksgiving with petition! A couple days ago I was quite anxious about something and as I was praying, I started thanking God for the ways he was growing me to be more like him through the situation, and then for the ways he was growing others up in the situation too. It changed my perspective and brought a lot of peace. Since then, when anxious thoughts returned (once never seems to be enough for me!), I’ve remembered and repeated those prayers of thanks. Have a great trip–I’m praying for you!

  • Michele says:

    I spent way too many years in a panic so I’d much rather spend my time in prayer. Thanks for “friendly reminder” that when doing just that one step daily in our lives…prayer puts in all into perspective! Blessings, Michele

  • Ivan Shonka says:

    You have such an encouraging blog! Please keep it up! God bless.

  • Deanne says:

    Donna! This is EXACTLY what we were talking about last night at Bible Study!! So happy to be getting your blog now! 🙂

  • Laurie Guy says:

    I was going thru my emails this morning. I just got done sending an email to a friend about how worried I was about my daughters move to Northern CA in a week. Then, I saw the email from you. It came at the perfect time!!! To pray with Thanksgiving, to read that bible verse, to know that God is in control. Thank you so much Donna. I feel like we just had a chat and I feel so much better.

  • Donna: I read that passage this morning too. Your emphasis on thanksgiving being the key to unlock the power of God in our lives really encouraged me. I am SO excited to see what God has for you at the conference this weekend.

  • Nancy Flynn says:

    Donna, thank you for your words. Exactly what I needed to be reminded of. What a week. God is faithful.