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A Home That Stands

By August 23, 2011No Comments

I misread a quote today that turned out to have profound implications.  I thought the line read: “How to Build Your House on Sand” when in fact, it was “How to Build Your House to Stand” (note to self: get your eyes checked!) Just one letter separates the two, but that one tiny letter makes all the difference.  A house built on sand simply doesn’t stand.  And who wants to build a home that doesn’t stand?  A home that can’t ….

Stand up to the daily pressures of life.

Stand up to financial hardship

Stand up to unpredictable toddler, childhood and teenage emotions.

Stand up to the day in and out duties and routines which never seem to end.

Stand up to hurt feelings and occasional outbursts of anger.

Stand up to sickness.

Stand up to the unexpected, unpredictable events that careen into every family’s life at some point.

No, none of us set out to build a home on shifting sand.  We want homes that can withstand the storms and seasons and sanctity of family life.

But how?

One letter.  T.  The shape of the cross.

When Christ is present in a home—really, truly present—a home can stand in the face of almost anything.

What does it mean to have Christ present in your home?  How do women like you and me make that real?  For starters, we make sure Christ is present and given full reign over our own lives.  Which, by the way, doesn’t demand perfection, just a humble, teachable, seeking heart.

Here are four simple ways I’ve tried to make Christ present in our home—and have observed others doing it, too:

1. When Christ is present in a home He’s talked about.  He’s recognized as the creator, the provider, the one who is always with us, and the one who helps us overcome our fears.  And our failures.

2. When Christ is present in a home He is talked to. The best thing any parent can do for their child (or any grandparent, aunt, uncle or friend can do for any child), is to pray for them.  As effective as it is to talk to our kids     about God, it’s equally important to talk to God about our kids—and our spouses, parents, siblings and in-laws.  Not a “Lord, change them” kind of prayer, but prayers of blessing, of direction, of wisdom, of salvation.  Prayers for holiness.

Now, there’s a prayer you may not have prayed lately, but it’s an important one if you want your home to stand. “Lord, make us holy”:  Set apart. Useful to you. Able to be a blessing to those around us.  Praying that your husband and kids are holy won’t make them weird; it will make them wise.  It will help them chose right over wrong. You may think I’m crazy, but this is the prayer I pray for my husband most often.

So far, we’re still standing.

3. When Christ is present, He becomes greater and we become smaller in the lives of our children as they grow and mature.  A couple of weeks ago our family took a vacation to Cabo San Lucas, Mexico.  Of course we have boat loads of pictures, but one picture stands out among the rest.  At first glance, we look like a family having fun on our ATVs—and we were having fun, a blast in fact.  But when I looked closely, I noticed that I am the smallest member of the family.  It hasn’t always been that way.  Once I loomed large over our little brood.


The visual struck a chord with me, illuminating a significant spiritual truth.  We should become a smaller influence in their lives, as Christ becomes larger. This is what it means—at least, in part—to build a home not on sand, but to build a home that stands.

4. When Christ is present in a home love rules.  Love rules what we say, how we think and how we act.  Love enables us to forgive when we would rather hold a grudge.  Love enables us to listen when we would rather lecture.  Love enables us to embrace when we might otherwise turn away. And love means you also have fun! (see picture above)

In these ways—and many more—Christ’s presence can transform our homes from one built on shifting sand to one built solid to stand.

One little letter.  One tiny distinction.  One small difference makes all the difference between a home that sinks and a home that stands.

The T.

The cross.


P.S.  The quote I misread came from Ann Voscamp’s wonderful blog,  Check it out and be blessed!



More than a Bible teacher, Donna is a self-described Bible explainer. A colorful storyteller who combines Biblical truth with real-life anecdotes, her messages not only help listeners understand God’s Word, but most important, grasp how to live it out in real life.