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I stumbled upon an old prayer journal yesterday. Of course, I opened it; I had to see what I’d been praying about 2 ½ years ago!

Earlier in my faith journey I started writing out my prayers, not because I’m super spiritual, but honesty, because I’m not. I needed a way to keep my mind from wandering when I prayed, and writing kept me focused.

Prayer is simple, but for many of us, it can also feel hard. Do I pray enough? Am I praying the right way? Do I pray about the right things? we privately wonder.

Over time, I found that writing out my prayers made me a better pray-er.

So, yesterday I carefully opened the spiral-bound notebook that held the desires of my heart in early 2022. There it was in black and white–prayers for my kids. Prayers for my husband. Prayers for myself. Prayers for friends and family. Big things and little things and everything in between.

I was stunned. So many prayers had been answered–many I’d forgotten I even prayed.

Interestingly, few prayers were answered overnight, most prayers were answered over time.

But they were answered.

Persistence is part of prayer. Jesus even told us so. In Luke 18:1 we read, “Then Jesus told his disciples a parable to show them that they should always pray and not give up.”

The realization of how God had heard and acted in response to my prayers humbled me and motivated me to pray even more!

I once had a mentor named Anne Orlund who said, “Writing your prayers is writing history in advance.”

The pages of my old prayer journal made me think she was right.

Were there some prayers that weren’t answered like I’d hoped? Yes. Definitely. But way more were than weren’t. Sometimes, though, (and I speak from personal experience) it’s easier to focus on the “no’s” and forget the “yes’s”.

Until I read my prayer journal, I had no idea just how many “yes’s” I’d received. Some were big important things, and some were menial, but all the answered prayers reminded me of how close God is, even when I’m unaware.

Even more, the “yes’s” prompted me to trust Him with the “no’s” and the “not yets”.

If you’ve never written your prayers, I highly recommend it. You don’t have to be fancy. Grab a cheap notebook or get a pretty one you love. Open your heart to God, there’s no need to pretend. Don’t worry about spelling, punctuation, or anything that might keep you from talking honestly with God. Just pray and write.

Two years from now you may discover that you’ve written your history in advance and you’ll realize anew just how very close God is.



P.S. I’m getting interviewed by Brynn Greene, to talk about how, as moms, we can overcome anxiety and embrace peace. I thought you’d like to check it out!

The summit starts September 16th, so go get your complimentary ticket here. You’ll also get 13+ other experts sharing their best strategies on how to live a life full of joy and peace and learn how they conquer motherhood in empowering and insightful ways.

Come listen to my interview, where I talked about some of my personal story and about how you can overcome anxiety and have more peace in a world full of turmoil. I promise you can build a peaceful life, one step at a time.

You can join in HERE.

See you soon!

That’s Just What I Needed Podcast

WOW!  I’ve had such great conversations on the podcast recently!  Including:

  1. How to Transform Your Relationships: Love-Focused Living with Bob and Judy Hughes (Biblical Counselors, Authors, and Life Coaches)
  2. Resilient Love: Overcoming Marital Adversity with Jill and Mark Savage (Authors and Marriage Mentors who Overcame Infidelity)
  3. From Guilt and Shame to Finally Free with Sarah Ferraro (Mom Co Executive  who dealt with abortion)
  4. How to Uncomplicate Life with Brenda Yoder (Author who grew up among the Amish)

You can find the podcast on Spotify, Apple Podcasts, and all your favorite platforms. Or, click here.


More than a Bible teacher, Donna is a self-described Bible explainer. A colorful storyteller who combines Biblical truth with real-life anecdotes, her messages not only help listeners understand God’s Word, but most important, grasp how to live it out in real life.

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