If you’ve found your way here from Crosswalk, welcome!
Recently I wrote an article for crosswalk.com titled “10 Ways to Help Kids Keep their Faith”. For a Christian parent (or grandparent) this topic is a biggie, mainly because faith touches us at the deepest core of who we are, what we value, and what we hope to pass on to our kids.
So when a child doesn’t keep the faith we’ve tried so hard to instill, it can break our heart.
But there is hope. There is always hope.
Hope is what keeps us believing. Hope is what keeps us praying. Hope is what keeps us loving. Hope is what keeps us going.
Recently I stumbled on a note I scribbled in the margin of my Bible:
“When we lose hope, we lose the motivation to ask for help.”
I can’t remember what event moved me to write it–or even think it–because it applies to virtually every area of life. But when I read it earlier today, I knew the thought came straight from God.
And I knew someone needed to hear it.
Could it be you?
I don’t know what’s going on in your life, or the life of your child, but God does. And with God, there is always hope, because there is always help.
So don’t give up hope for your child. Don’t give up hope for yourself. Don’t give up hope for your future.
Don’t give up hope. Period.
And if by chance you just need some down-home wisdom to help your kids keep their faith, then by all means, take a few moments and read the article by clicking here.
I’m here to help.
“Be joyful in hope, patient in affliction, faithful in prayer.”
Romans 12:12
[bctt tweet=”With God, there is always hope, because there is always help.” username=”donnajonesspeak”]