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Happy Families

By April 26, 2011One Comment

What makes a happy family, happy?

After looking through our Easter pictures from yesterday, one factor is fresh on my mind.  Is it going to church?  Daily devotions? Family traditions?  No, no and no.  Although these things are good, without one component, they’re just an empty shell. What do happy families have than other families don’t? Fun.

Don’t take this too lightly.

Families who have fun together enjoy being together.  Kids want to be home when home is filled with laughter and love. Of course I’m not suggesting that every moment will be a day at the circus, but still,families who have fun together have ties than bind them tight. They not only love each other, they like each other. And when they don’t like each other, they get over it. Quick.

Take a peek at some of our family pictures taken yesterday…..


It’s not fancy. No one’s wearing their Sunday best.  We all have on our sweatshirts and comfy socks.  We’re simply hanging together.  Being silly.  Laughing. Celebrating life. Having fun.

Sadly, not all families operate this way.  My dear friend, Diane Cranley, knows this first hand.  A sexual abuse survivor, Diane has turned her personal tragedy into a source of healing and awareness and is launching a 24 hour webcast THIS FRIDAY-SATURDAY. She’s lined up experts from all over the world to discuss how sexual abuse can be spotted and how to heal from its pain.  If you have been a victim of sexual abuse or you know of someone that has been, you will want to resister for this free webcast.  If you’re a teacher, coach, youth leader, or anyone else who works with kids, you’ll want to tune in as well.

Check out this important event at

The reality is, not all of life is fun.  But fun, laughter, love-these things are essential for the health of every human soul–and maybe especially for those who have endured emotional trauma and pain.

So, go register for Diane’s webcast.  Then take time to enjoy those you love.


More than a Bible teacher, Donna is a self-described Bible explainer. A colorful storyteller who combines Biblical truth with real-life anecdotes, her messages not only help listeners understand God’s Word, but most important, grasp how to live it out in real life.

One Comment

  • Judy Williams says:

    Donna, I could not agree more! Scripted on our kitchen wall…..Faith, Hope, Love make a joyful home 🙂 Laughter and fun have been a huge part of our family time. And, yes, we are very thankful for the blessings poured out on us by our Heavenly Father!