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How to Raise a Brat (or not)

By August 28, 20134 Comments



When I speak on parenting one of the audience’s favorite topics is always identifying ineffective parenting styles.  Its popularity is no doubt because most of us have used one of them, at least occasionally.  I know I have.  That’s how I learned they were ineffective!

Over the years I found that even many good parents—the kind who love their kids, go to all their sporting events and make sure they eat their vegetables—often unknowingly employ parenting methods which make raising their kids more difficult than it needs to be.  And even worse, these ineffective parenting styles actually train kids not to be respectful, obedient and thoughtful.

No one sets out to raise a brat.  But ignorance about how we parent can led to just that.

So…what are the ineffective parenting styles that I’m referring to?  Today I’m going to post a quiz to help you identify parenting styles you may not even be aware you use. Check back (or better yet, subscribe to my blog to get notified automatically) for the antidote to your parenting dilemmas.  Help is just one blog away!!

And in honor of the re-lease of Taming Your Family Zoo under its new name, Raising Kids with Good Manners I’m giving away a free copy to someone who leaves a comment.


Am I Unknowingly Raising a Brat?

1. T      F          I frequently feel frustrated in my parenting

2. T      F          I sometimes wonder why I have to threaten my child before she will obey me

3. T      F          Generally, my child does what I ask him to do the first time I ask

4.T       F          I use counting (1,2,3) to motivate my child to follow my instructions

5.T       F          Most days I feel like my child listens to me and respects me

6.T       F          I’ve been dealing with the same behavioral issue for awhile with no improvement

7.T       F          I feel guilty for yelling at my kids—and I yell at them a lot.

8.T       F          I laugh with my child often

9.T       F          I often end up doing (or re-doing) chores I’ve asked my child to do

10.T     F          My child hits, bites , name calls or uses bad words and I don’t know what to do

11.T     F          Sometimes I feel like my child rules our home

12.T     F          Since my child was born my marriage has taken a back seat—way back.

13.T     F          I use bribery as a way to make my child behave

14.T     F          I sometimes threaten punishment but then don’t follow through

15.T     F          I like my kids, my life and myself.

16.T     F          If my child whines enough, begs enough, or cries enough I eventually cave

17.T     F          My best days are spent with my family

18.T     F          My child should be a lawyer—she can talk me into anything

19.T     F          I feel overwhelmed as a parent

20.T     F          Sometimes I’m too tired, lazy or stressed out to be consistent

OK…You’re done.  Great job!  Check back on Friday for answers to the quiz to help you identify your parenting style, And don’t forget to leave a comment for a chance to win a free book!

*to book Donna to speak at one of your events click here


More than a Bible teacher, Donna is a self-described Bible explainer. A colorful storyteller who combines Biblical truth with real-life anecdotes, her messages not only help listeners understand God’s Word, but most important, grasp how to live it out in real life.