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Stolen Peace

By January 8, 20112 Comments

Two days before Christmas I lost my credit card.

The minute I realized it was missing I turned my purse upside down and wallet inside out. I foraged through pockets and shopping bags. I made phone calls and retraced my steps, all to find one piece of missing plastic.

As it turns out my vital piece of plastic wasn’t lost. It was stolen. Someone else recognized its value and decided to slip it from my wallet. And attempt a $6700 purchase.

Thankfully, the thief was denied access to my account. Fraud detection protected me.

This week I’ve also lost my peace. Like my credit card, it was stolen. The thief silently slipped his vile hand into my life and left me worried, grieving and burdened. True, the last 24 hours have been filled with pain and heartache – my father in law passed away just hours after a member of our church died in the middle of the 8:30am service. These events have left me sad. But other things have added burden to my grief. Worries over the kids – where are they? Are they safe? Are they making good choices? Worries over my work. Worries over important decisions. Worries. Worries. Worries. You know the drill. Because, no doubt, you’ve had the same worries and concerns.

So I’ve been praying. A lot. I’ve prayed for wisdom. For protection. For angels to surround my loved ones. For comfort. For salvation. For direction. For peace.

Still, serenity has been elusive. Here one moment, gone the next.

Driving down the freeway this morning, in the middle of my prayer I heard God speak. It’s an issue of trust. Your worry means that you don’t trust me to watch over those you love and to do what’s best.

The minute I felt God say it, I knew it was true. And oddly, I also felt a fresh rush of peace flooding my soul.

But then I started to worry. Again.

So I called a friend. She told me what I already knew but desperately needed to hear. You aren’t in control. God is in control. Your loved ones and your concerns are safe in the palm of his hands.

I know this, so why do I sometimes live like I believe otherwise? Why do I allow my peace to be robbed just as easily as my credit card? Maybe it’s because my personal fraud detector doesn’t work as well as it should. I fail to deny my brain permission to wander to places it has no business going, and end up living in panic palace rather than in perfect peace.

After my phone conversation, I grabbed my Bible. The pages fell open to the story of the Jesus and the disciples in the midst of a storm. The text is clear. They were in real danger. But Jesus slept while the disciples panicked. In a tizzy, they woke Him up. Lord, we are going to drown! Without a tense bone in his body, Jesus got up. He spoke. Everything became calm. He turned and faced his frightened followers with only one question for them to ponder: Where is your faith?

It’s the question I had to ask myself today. Maybe you do, too. Where is your faith in your life circumstances right now? Is it lost? Or even worse, has it been stolen? Deny access to the fraud, the enemy, who seeks to steal your peace. The same God who calmed the storm and made heaven and earth holds you and those you love in the palm of His hand.

Lord Jesus, when I’m frightened, too often I panic. I act like I’m in control when reality is, you are. Calm my anxious heart when my burdens become heavy. I choose to cast all my anxiety upon you, because you care for me and for those I love. Amen.


More than a Bible teacher, Donna is a self-described Bible explainer. A colorful storyteller who combines Biblical truth with real-life anecdotes, her messages not only help listeners understand God’s Word, but most important, grasp how to live it out in real life.


  • I LOVED this post. Very insightful. Thanks.

  • Elizabeth Ridgely says:

    Hi Donna,

    Sorry I am not there yet to hear your ministry personally.
    However, your personal fraud detector comparison really resonated with me.
    This is the bottom line, trusting in Him that what happens to us is all in His hands.
    Thank you so much for the reminder.

    Walk by faith,
    Elizabeth Ridgely