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I absolutely wasn’t going to share this with you. But then something happened: I started getting emails from all over the country, asking permission to reprint an article I wrote for last week. The more the requests poured in, the more I thought about you.

If other people found the article helpful, why wouldn’t I share it with my sweet blog friends?  It seemed kind of selfish not to share it. I’ve never had more requests for permission to reprint an article–ever!

And since we are friends, can I let you in on a little secret? Even if you are totally familiar with the Bible, read on until you get to the part about how the Bible is structured. I think you’ll walk away learning a thing or two.

As you read, here’s what I’m praying for you: That the content will spark a great conversation with a family member or friend–one you’ve longed to have, but didn’t know how to start. Or that you’ll find information you need to solidify your faith, and answer questions you’ve had for awhile. Or perhaps you’ll share it on Facebook, like nearly a thousand others already have.

So, sweet friend, here it is…enjoy, and know you are dearly loved!

100 million copies are sold each year. 50 copies are sold every minute. Its complexity can boggle great minds, and yet it’s simplicity can be understood by children. It’s the most widely read, most fiercely debated, and most often quoted book in history.

What is it? The Bible.

But what is the Bible, exactly? Who wrote the Bible? Why has the Bible had such a far-reaching impact on people throughout history? And what relevance does the Bible have for our lives, today?

What is the Bible?

Let’s start with some basic facts about the Bible. The Bible is one book, divided into two major divisions–the Old Testament, which contains 39 separate books, and the New Testament, which contains 27 books. Each of these books is further divided into chapter and verse.
The Old Testament relays the story of God and His people before the birth of Christ. It begins with creation and outlines the story of the Jewish nation. Jews call the first five books of the Bible (Genesis, Exodus, Leviticus, Numbers, and Deuteronomy) the Law or Torah. These five books contain the Ten Commandments, and the stories of Abraham, Noah, and Moses, among others.

To read the full article, click here.



More than a Bible teacher, Donna is a self-described Bible explainer. A colorful storyteller who combines Biblical truth with real-life anecdotes, her messages not only help listeners understand God’s Word, but most important, grasp how to live it out in real life.