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Trust in Me

By February 25, 2010No Comments

Do you trust God?  I mean really trust Him?

If you are like most women the answer is probably something along the lines of “Yes…but”.   Gosh, it can be really, really hard to trust God sometimes, can’t it?  Especially when we can’t see the light at the end of the tunnel.

Or the resolution to that recurring conflict.

Or the provision for that pressing need.

Or the answer to the heartfelt prayer.

Yes, indeed, trusting God can be very difficult in times like these.  I know.  I have been there.  Five years ago my husband and I sat on the floor outside our laundry room door and talked until the wee hours of the morning about our future.  It wasn’t that our marriage hung in the balance – our entire future did.  You see, my sweet husband hadn’t landed the job we thought would so certainly be his.  To make matters worse, he was given a 6 week “vacation” (translation: fade out of the picture quietly, please) before returning to work for a younger, less experienced new boss.  Ouch.

When you find yourself in situations like this what do you do?  What can you do?


You can panic.

You can scream.

You can sulk.

You can become depressed and despondent.

You can deny.

You can cry.


You can trust. 

Not in yourself.  Not in “everything always works out in the end”.  Not in “what goes around, comes around”. 

You can trust GOD.

Is is always easy?  Pleeeaaase!

No, it’s not easy.  But it’s safe and it’s wise.  The other options are – forgive me – just plain ole’ stupid.

So, five years ago I decided to trust God.  Or rather, my husband decided to trust God and I trailed along with him. Not quite as confident and full of faith as he was, but moving forward in baby steps of trust all the same.

Where did God lead us as we trusted him (with fear and trembling, I might add)?  To do something we had never, ever considered.  Something neither of us ever hoped to do or wanted to do.  God led us to plant a church targeting a brand new, near-by community without a single established place to worship. 

This past Sunday we celebrated five years of trusting God.

What was the result of our “laundry room floor decision” to trust?

At 9:00am we watched in awe as 2,000 people entered the doors of our new 30 acre facility.  Even as I write this I am humbled to the point of tears.  Am I glad I trusted God even though at the time I had no idea of what lay ahead? 

What do you think?

But what about you?  Five years from now will you be glad you trusted God for what you are facing right now – even though you can’t see what’s up ahead?

I think the answer is pretty clear. 

So decide today – no decide right now – to trust, though you can’t see;  To believe, though you don’t know how; to be obedient, even though it isn’t always easy or convenient. 

Then wait patiently for the Lord.


Thank you that although I can’t see the future, you can.  You know what is up ahead and you have charted my path.  Right now I commit to trust you with my future.  I commit myself to do what is right in Your sight.  To follow you, depend upon you and wait for you.  Thank you that everything in my life is filtered through your loving hands.  Draw me close to you, Lord. And use the circumstances in my life to make me more like you.  Amen.

“Trust in the Lord with all your heart and lean not on your own understanding.  In all your ways, acknowledge Him and He will make your paths straight. ” Proverbs 3:5-6




More than a Bible teacher, Donna is a self-described Bible explainer. A colorful storyteller who combines Biblical truth with real-life anecdotes, her messages not only help listeners understand God’s Word, but most important, grasp how to live it out in real life.