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“Hey, Gang!  I could use some help!”

Juggling overfilled bags of food, I open the door from the garage to our house and yell (nicely, I hope–I’ll have to ask my family later…) these words, virtually every time I arrive home after grocery shopping—assuming, of course, my hubby and/or one of the kids is home.

I don’t whisper these words. I don’t mumble them. I don’t even speak these words.

I yell them.


I really want help.

In my younger days I was often embarrassed to admit how much I needed help. I felt cultural pressure to be the perfect mom and the loving wife; make delicious, nutritious meals the kids actually liked; decorate a home that looked like a magazine cover; be the super-spiritual, ever-patient, always kind neighbor next door; use my gifts and talents to fulfill my potential, while helping my family members fulfill there’s, too.  All this, without looking as if I’d expended any effort or needed any help.

Gosh, it’s exhausting trying to do everything all on our own, isn’t it?

Jesus knows.

This morning the words Jesus spoke in John 14 seemed to leap off the page as I read them:

I will ask the Father, and he will give you another advocate to help you and be with you forever— the Spirit of truth (John 14:16-17)

Too often, though, I don’t ask for His help. Mainly because I don’t even think to ask. Oh sure, I ask for God’s help for the big stuff. But for the day-today, routine things?  Sometimes, not so much. Instead I revert back to thinking I’m supposed to conquer the challenges of daily life on my own, almost like juggling bags of issues, rather than bags of groceries.

How sad. How short-sighted to have the God of the universe tell me He’s given me His Spirit to help me, then live without His help. Especially since all I need to do is ask.

[bctt tweet=”Help is just a prayer away.” username=”donnajonesspeak”]

Could you use a little help today?

Maybe you need help to parent a difficult child.

Maybe you need help to revive a lifeless marriage.

Maybe you need help to mend a broken heart.

Maybe you need help to discern your next step.

Maybe you need help to find God.

Maybe you need help just to get through today.

God knows.

And He cares. More than you know.

God wants to help you. He’s there to help you. He’s given you the Holy Spirit to help you. Today. And tomorrow. And the day after that.

You can’t do everything on your ownYou weren’t meant to. Why don’t you pause right now and ask God for what He’s already promised to give you?

His help.


Thank you that you know I need help even before I know it.  Thank you that you don’t expect me to live my life apart from your help and that you provide the help I so desperately need.  Help me today with __________________________________________.  Thank you that I can ask for your help as often as I need it and that you will  always give it.  Amen.

If you find you need a little extra dose of help today, please let me know and I’d be honored to pray for you, sweet friend.


More than a Bible teacher, Donna is a self-described Bible explainer. A colorful storyteller who combines Biblical truth with real-life anecdotes, her messages not only help listeners understand God’s Word, but most important, grasp how to live it out in real life.