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By April 13, 20112 Comments

When my daughter Kylie was little she had THE MOST adorable curls. But her beautiful curls made for some pretty tangled knots.  Every morning we went through the same routine.  “No, mommy, don’t brush my hair!” she’d plead with big alligator tears streaming down her cheeks. The thing was, I knew if I left her hair a tangled mess one day, the next day would be worse.  So everyday I fought the urge to let her start the day a tangled mess.

Not too many women struggle with tangled curls(although I can think of one or two..), but a ton of us deal with tangled emotions.  To make matters worse, we often respond like little girls rather than grown up women when it comes to combing through the issues that tie our souls in knots. Frankly, we’d rather brush them off than work them through.  The only problem is, the longer we live our lives tangled with unresolved conflict, bitterness, resentment or over-commitments, the messier our lives become.

What’s got your soul tangled today?  Did you have an argument with your husband?  Yell at one of your kids? Say “yes” to something you should have said “no”? Buy something you didn’t really need and couldn’t really afford? Are you worrying over something instead of praying it through?

Why don’t you take a minute right now, sit down with God and let Jesus work it through?  It may seem easier to avoid making things right, making changes or making amends, and it may even hurt just a bit.  But an untangled life on a grown up woman is even more beautiful than untangled curls on a five year old girl.

And that’s pretty darn gorgeous.



When I feel tangled up inside, help me to be still long enough in your presence to allow you to untangle the mess.  I choose to cast all my cares upon you because you care for me.  I choose to live humbly before those around me so my relationships are right.  I choose to live with honesty and integrity so my soul is at peace. I choose to tackle one task at a time knowing fretting about tomorrow’s tasks leads only to unrest.  I choose to do life your way, rather than mine, because your way is always best. Amen.


More than a Bible teacher, Donna is a self-described Bible explainer. A colorful storyteller who combines Biblical truth with real-life anecdotes, her messages not only help listeners understand God’s Word, but most important, grasp how to live it out in real life.


  • Carolyn Teas says:

    I am learning that patience and Spirit/Word filled prayer go hand in hand. It’s an attitude of praise that results in peace. It is how I keep my eyes anchored on Jesus when all heck is breaking loose around me in the storms of life. God is in control, He loves me, He’s got a plan and this is part of it. By golly, I choose to walk by faith, and not by my feelings!

  • DJ Hughes says:

    Beautiful post! My middle daughter had super curly hair when she was little too. I can totally relate. 🙂

    I so enjoyed meeting you at the conference. I look forward to reading more from you. (I put some pictures from Mt. Hermon on my blog.)
